
Frequently Asked Questions

Cairns Adventist College accepts the enrolment of any student of any faith, with the understanding that, as an independent Adventist school, the curriculum is taught from a Bible-based worldview. Students will be taught that God is real, and He loves every person as if they are His only creation. They will be taught the historical accuracy of the Bible and life lessons and values will be drawn from many true stories from its pages.
The school day begins at 8:45am and concludes at 3:05pm for primary and 3:05pm for high school. There is a teacher on duty from 8:15am and after the dismissal bell until 3:30pm. If your child needs a special arrangement in an emergency, the school office must be notified as soon as possible.

All students arriving at Cairns Adventist College after the 8:45am bell will need to be accompanied to the office by an adult, unless the student has a written note from the parent or career. The school secretary will issue a late pass to the student to take to their teacher. We encourage parents to have their children here at least ten minutes early each day, so that they can place their bags and prepare to take their lunches inside for refrigeration once the bell sounds.

We are required to list a reason in our attendance records for an absence, partial or complete. Please send a note into the office so that we have a written record of your reason. Students who are travelling or visiting outside Cairns for an extended period should bring a note from a parent or nominated carer, outlining the dates of the trip. In the cases of sick days, any absence of two or more consecutive days requires medical certificate.

Families may apply for our fee assistance program, and depending on financial circumstances some families may be eligible for up to 60% off tuition fees.

The Cairns Adventist College Advisory Council Members desire to offer the finest possible independent education at the lowest possible cost to families, without sacrificing quality. The fee schedule is established each year by the North Australian Schools Board of Directors. Any proposed increase in fees will be advised to families at the end of the school year, in readiness for the following year.

The following discounts are automatically applied when:

  1. A prompt payment discount of 5% applies to fees (excluding Levy’s and Bus Fees) paid prior to the commencement of the term.
  2. A prompt payment discount 7.5% applies to fees (excluding Levy’s and Bus Fees) paid in full for the whole year prior to the commencement of term 1.

Families may apply for our Fee Assistance Program, and depending on financial circumstances some families may be eligible for up to 60% off tuition fees (excluding Ley’s and Bus Fees).

By law in Queensland, children must be 5 years of age before the end of June in their Prep year. At the Principal’s discretion, following individual interviews and assessments, a child who turns 5 years of age in July of that year may also be enrolled in Prep. There are strict guidelines for July birthday children, so that there is no pressure on schools to accept any and every applicant.
Our fee structure means that all stationery and books are supplied by the College. All excursions are covered by the fees (excluding upper primary camp). All technology, including laptops, are included in the fees. Families are responsible for providing their student throughout the year a: formal school uniform, a sports uniform, swimming gear, lunchbox and water bottle, any medication they may need.

The government mandates that there be at least 2 formal reports provided by schools, including a 5-point scale or grade. At Cairns Adventist College, your child will receive an Interim Report in March, a Semester One Academic Report in June, and a Semester Two Academic Report in December. All these reports have scheduled interview opportunities so that a parent can meet with their child’s classroom teacher. Information about your child’s progress is available by appointment through the office at any point through the year, by request.

We hope most students will already be water safe upon school entry, but because of this island nation’s reputation for sand, surf, sea and sun, swimming lessons are scheduled weekly during Term 1 and Term 4 each school year. The students are transported by bus to Gordonvale Aquatic Centre where qualified instructors grade, group and instruct students in levelled swimming classes.

Cairns Adventist College acknowledges and respects the Gimuy-Walubara Yidinji and Yirraganydij country on which we reside, and the people of this country, past and present.

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