

Prep at Cairns Adventist College is a time to celebrate what children already know and to further develop their love of learning. When children love to learn and are keen to discover new things, school becomes a fun and exciting place to be. At Cairns Adventist College children are encouraged to develop as a whole person through academic, creative, physical, social and spiritual activities.

Although our academic program has a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy we believe that it should always be mixed with loads of fun. Our small class sizes and dedicated staff mean that students are given the best opportunity to develop to their full potential.

While learning continues for a lifetime, a good start can make the rest of life much easier.

N.B. Students looking to enrol in Cairns Adventist College for Prep, must be five years of age by 30th June, as per Education Queensland’s policy on the commencement of school.

Our Program

Cairns Adventist College is dedicated to its students achieving their full
academic potential.

The College’s curriculum is based on the Australian Curriculum V9 Prep to Year 6. Key Learning Areas (KLA’s) offered are:

Biblical Studies (Encounter)

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences – History/Geography/Civics
  • & Citizenship, Economics and Business)
  • Technologies
  • Health & Physical Education
  • The Arts (Music, Visual Art, Drama, Media Art, Dance)
  • LOTE (Auslan)
  • Science

We have a qualified, dedicated, and innovative teaching staff.

Assignments and tasks are designed to provide opportunity for different learning styles, and this enables each child to be able to reach their full potential in their own time.


Technology is integrated within the curriculum areas of the Prep and Primary Years. All students have access to computers in their classrooms. P-3 have a computer bench with laptops for use within the classroom and Yrs 4-6 have access to 1to1 laptops that are located in their classrooms.

In the early years of school, students build their familiarity with login, drill and practice, extending reading and problem solving through programs such as Mathletics®, Study Ladder and Reading Eggs®.
As students move through the Primary years, they use technology to enrich their literacy, numeracy, problem solving, typing and research skills.

Furthermore, they develop an understanding of Microsoft Office suite and are assisted in the learning to use other applications and web tools.
Interactive Promethean boards are in all Primary classrooms and this allows whole class interactive learning in subject areas such as literacy and numeracy, whilst building a familiarity with technology.

In addition, a bank of iPads are available with applications for Prep to Year 6 students. We have a range of digital equipment this is used throughout the Primary school such as Bee Bots, Makey Makeys and other digital software coding programs such as Scratch.

Sports Program

In addition to the scheduled sessions of physical activity during class time, students of Cairns Adventist College also participate in scheduled blocks of
sport each week.

  • Term 1: All students from Prep-Year 6 participate in Swimming lessons at Gordonvale swimming pool.
  • Term 2: Students in Prep – Year 6 have athletics training and also practice for participate in the ‘Jump Rope for Heart’ competition.
  • Term 3: Students in Prep-Year 3 travel off-site to South Cairns Gymnastics centre in Bentley Park for gymnastics whilst the Yr 4-6 participate in Team Sports at school.
  • Term 4: All students from Prep-Year 6 participate Swimming lessons at Gordonvale swimming pool.

Sports Carnivals

There are 3 main sport carnivals throughout the year, Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country. Students are able to compete against each other in all the different skill areas. There is also opportunity for students to progress further and compete against other school in ‘Peninsula Sports’.

Cairns Adventist College acknowledges and respects the Gimuy-Walubara Yidinji and Yirraganydij country on which we reside, and the people of this country, past and present.

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